Online Deactivation

Online Deactivation

Use the instructions listed below to deactivate Imatest on an online computer. 

NOTE: Imatest can be installed on several computers, but its license can only be activated on one computer at a time. If moving Imatest from one computer to another, first deactivate the software on the new computer.

1. From Imatest, select the Help menu and choose License Manager (Activate). See Figure 1. (Screenshot from Legacy UI is on left and new UI is on right)

Note: The license number is automatically displayed in the License Manager window if an Imatest license is current. For this how-to article, the license number is blacked out.


Figure 1. License Manager dialog

2. Click the Deactivate button. The system displays the License Manager, indicating that the Imatest license is no longer active (Figure 2).

Figure 2. License Manager dialog after the Imatest license is deactivated online

3. Click Close.

Online Activation

Offline Activation

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