Offline Deactivation

Offline Deactivation

Use the instructions listed to deactivate Imatest on a computer that is offline, not connected to the internet, or behind strong firewalls that prevent Online Deactivation

Note: Imatest can be installed on several computers, but its license can only be activated on one computer at a time. If moving Imatest from one computer to another, first perform Online Deactivation or Offline Deactivation on the new computer.

1. From Imatest, select the Help menu and choose License Manager (Activate). See Figure 1. (Screenshot from Legacy UI is on left and new UI is on right)

Note: The license number is automatically displayed in the License Manager window if the Imatest license is current. For this how-to article, the license number and related information are blacked out in all applicable Figures.


Figure 1. License Manager dialog

2. Choose the Deactivate Offline button to display the Offline License Manager dialog in Legacy UI(Figure 2). In new UI, select "Offline Deactivation"

Figure 2. Offline License Manager dialog

3. In the License Number box, enter the license number that was emailed to you after purchasing the product.

4. Click the Generate Activation Certificate buttonThe system then populates the Activation Request Certificate box with the Request Certificate code.

5. Click Copy to Clipboard and open the Customer Portal account (Figure 3).  

Figure 3. Customer portal account.

6. Enter your email address and password, and click Login to open the License Information Window (Figure 4).

Note: The system requires that you create an account if you are a new customer or to register your account if not currently logged into Imatest.

Figure 4. License Information dialog

7. From the License Information window, choose the correct account number from the License Number drop-down box.

8. Right-click inside the Activation Request Certificate or Installation ID box and choose Paste.

9. Select and copy the Certificate or Installation ID.

Note: After step 9, the name of the Activation Request Certificate or Installation ID box changes to the "License Certificate."

10. Go back to the Offline Activation window and paste the certificate into the License Certificate box (Figure 5).


Figure 5. Imatest License Manager window after License Certificated added.

12. Click Deactivate.

13. Click Close.

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