Error in Extracting CTF file

Error in Extracting CTF file

Error Message: Error in extracting CTF file to ‘C:\ProgramData\Imatest\mcr_cache\4.5\Master\mcrCache9.0.1\imates0’. Details: ‘Could not set last modified time: C:/ProgramData/Imatest/mcr_cache/4.5/Master/mcrCache9.0.1/imates0/toolbox/imaq/imaqextern/drivers/win64/genicam/genICam_v2_4/redist/Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86_x64.msi: Broken pipe


Your system is having trouble extracting Mathwork’s CTF archive. Here is what the possible causes are:


  1. Permissions issue. For example if the application is unable to delete old directory or create a new one.

  2. Time stamp issue. The CTF-file is re-extracted only when the time stamp on the CTF–archive is newer than the time stamp on the _mcr directory. If somehow an out-of-date _mcr folder has a newer time stamp than the CTF-file, the new CTF-file will not be extracted and there will be errors when running the application.

  3. Extraction issue. If some error occurred during CTF extraction, there could be a problem where some of the encrypted M-files are of an old version and others are the new versions. This could cause the application to partially run and then only have an error when it runs into an old encrypted M-file.

  4. Installer issue. If the _mcr directory is already in the package, the installer may not be updating all files properly leaving some older files in the _mcr directory thinking that the files already exist.

Steps to Resolve


  1. Delete old MCR directories on your machine. These can be found at C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime, delete the contents of this folder.

  2. Run the Imatest installer again as administrator, ensuring that the “Matlab Libraries” checkbox is checked and that you are running the full installer rather than the upgrade installer

  3. After the installer finishes, run Imatest as administrator.

If this process does not fix the issue please open an issue on the Imatest Help Center.

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