Imatest 5.2: MATLAB Runtime Update 5 or greater required

Imatest 5.2: MATLAB Runtime Update 5 or greater required

Imatest 5.2 depends on the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) version 2019a (also known as v96), specifically Update 5 or later. The full installers for Imatest 5.2 include the installer for this MCR version, but the MCR installer will not always install over previous versions of the v96 MCR if they are present.

In this case, when attempting to run Imatest Master 5.2 using an older MCR 2019a version the following error will pop up:

 In Imatest IT 5.2, a similar exception will be thrown to the calling interface when trying to start the Imatest library.

Resolving the problem

To resolve the problem, ensure that Update 5 or later of the MCR 2019a library is installed. The correct installer is automatically included in all Full Installers of Imatest 5.2 (not in Upgrade Installers). Alternatively, it can be downloaded directly from the MATLAB Runtime page.

To ensure the correct update version is installed, you must remove any already-existing installation of the 2019a runtime if it is of a previous Update version. This installation can typically be found at the following locations:


Operating System

Default MCR 2019a install location


C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime\v96



Linux (Ubuntu)
