Visual C++ Runtime Library: “The Application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. “

Symptoms of problem:

Running the library leads to this error:

Root cause of problem:

This error is typically the result of a conflict between the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables libraries supplied with MATLAB, and those that are supplied by some third party applications.


Solution to problem:

To revert to a previous version of the C++ Redistributable libraries, you should uninstall all versions of your current 2005 and 2008 C++ Redistributable libraries through your Windows Control Panel, and reboot you machine. You can then re-install them by running the MATLAB-provided installers which can be found in the following locations:

For 32-bit Imatest:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v81\bin\win32\vc90\vcredist_x86.exe

For 64-bit Imatest:

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v81\bin\win64\vc90\vcredist_x64.exe

Note: for older releaseses, a different matlab folder will be used, for example, v714 for releases 3.10 and below.

See Also: