Open a terminal window
Enter the following and then press `return`
Code Block language bash sudo codesign --deep -fs - <library path>
<library path>
should be replaced with the library path from the table above. Please note the spaces surrounding the trailing-
For example, for Imatest 2021.1, you would runCode Block language bash sudo codesign --deep -fs - /Applications/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v99/bin/maci64/libcudart.10.2.dylib
[Optional] Verify that the library was successfully code-signed by running the following
Code Block language bash codesign --verbose --verify <library path>
If the code-signing operation was successful, you should see output similar toCode Block language bash codesign --verify --verbose /Applications/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v99/bin/maci64/libcudart.10.2.dylib /Applications/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v99/bin/maci64/libcudart.10.2.dylib: valid on disk /Applications/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v99/bin/maci64/libcudart.10.2.dylib: satisfies its Designated Requirement
Start Imatest as normal and attempt the operation that previously frozen froze.
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