Basic Test Lab Setup

Basic Test Lab Setup

This includes information regarding our software versions and types, as well as our equipment and test charts that work with it. 

Regarding the software, we have two main software packages. These are Imatest Master and Imatest IT. There is a third option: Imatest Ultimate, which combines the functionality of both Master and IT into one license. Imatest Master is our most popular version and a good starting point for a new Image Quality lab. This version includes a user interface and is most often applied for Research and Development purposes. Imatest IT is our Industrial Testing version. This comes as a series of .DLL’s which can be integrated into your automated testing suite.

Both versions of the software test a wide range of Image Quality Factors (Key Performance Indicators). The most common IQ Factors being tested in a basic lab are: Sharpness (Resolution/SFR/MTF), Distortion, Noise, Dynamic Range, Color Accuracy, Blemish Detection, and Uniformity. Depending on your specific needs, you may want to test a subset of these, or perhaps even more than is listed here. Knowing which factors you are interested in will help narrow down the list of required equipment.

Equipment below that would be required for a general purpose, fully equipped test lab capable of handling most cameras and lenses.. There is also information on the various formats to which we can print test targets and the major differences between them.


Imatest Master - Our primary software package with a graphic user interface. This is the best starting point for a basic lab setup as Imatest IT requires familiarity with the functions of the software in order to set up the tests correctly. If you decide to move into automated testing, then an upgrade to Imatest Ultimate or a separate purchase of Imatest IT would be the next step.


Modular Test Stand - This fixture provides a chart holder and camera podium. The rail system allows for easy and efficient camera positioning while maintaining proper alignment. The modular nature of this system allows for future upgrades, such as the WFOV Module and Reflective Module, for additional testing capabilities.  

KinoFlo LED Lighting System - A fully dimmable, high quality LED light source for illuminating reflective test charts. Color temperature can be adjusted from 2900K to 6500K. 

Imatest LED Lightbox - Required for transmissive charts such as the Imatest Dynamic Range and Contrast Resolution charts (see below). The lightbox itself can be used without a test chart in order to provide uniformity measurements. 

Test Charts:

SFRplus or eSFR-ISO - These are general purpose test charts that allow for a wide range of IQ factors to be analyzed with automated region detection. The video at the link provided details the key differences between the two.

Checkerboard - This target has a significantly more flexible set up, with the trade off being that it analyzes fewer IQ factors. That said, if your primary interest is Resolution and/or Distortion, this is a viable option. If you are testing at multiple distances or with multiple lenses of different focal lengths, this would be a simpler option as you would not need to change the test chart.

Imatest Dynamic Range Chart and Imatest Contrast Resolution Chart - These targets provide information on the Dynamic Range of the system being tested. The Imatest Dynamic Range (ITDR) chart is available in three density ranges (50dB, 100dB, and 150dB) as the DR of the chart must exceed the DR of the system to ensure a most accurate result. The Imatest Contrast Resolution Chart (ITCRC) was created to provide more meaningful data in terms of Dynamic Range. We define contrast resolution as the visibility of low contrast objects in larger fields ranging over a wide range of brightness. New sensor and image processing technology have allowed for sensor manufacturers to claim extremely high dynamic ranges, but when tested with the ITCRC, we see that the data being generated is not actually accurate or meaningful.

Test Chart Considerations:

We are able to produce test charts in a wide variety of formats and sizes to suit your specific use case. In order to determine what format will work best for you, we will need to know the system resolution (in pixels / megapixels), the testing distance, and the angular FoV (Diagonal, or Horizontal and Vertical). You can provide these to us by using our chart finder utility. Additionally, please let us know if you are testing in the Near-Infrared or Infrared spectra. If you’d like more comprehensive information on test chart selection, please view our Understanding Test Charts Webinar, and feel free to reach out to us at charts@imatest.com.

If you have any specific needs that aren’t covered below or if you are able to provide some more specific information on your testing scenario, please let us know and we’ll be happy to provide more information tailored specifically to your use case.