Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


If you have an Excel .CSV file with extra rows or columns, you can easily edit it Excel by selecting the key region (3 columns, 24 rows), copying it to a new file, and saving it in .CSV format. L*a*b* data is preferred to xyY data below because it is independent of white point color temperature, hence less error-prone. 


Reference files read by Imatest are in row-major order. This means that the order for an m x n (m rows x n columns) chart is R1C1, R1C2, …, R1Cn, R2C1, R2C2, …, R2Cn, …, RmC1, RmC1, …, RmCn. But some reference files available on the internet are in column-major order (R1C1, R2C1, …, RmCqn R1C2 R2C2, …, RnC2, …, R1Cn R2Cn, …, RmCn). They have to must be transformed into row-major order to be read correctly into Imatest. We show a method for doing this below.


  1. Load your image(s) into Imatest

  2. Start your analysis

  3. Proceed through settings & ROI selection

  4. In the interactive results window, select Density CSV file (one value per line) in the Ref dropdown, as shown in the image below. This will open a browser for you to select your reference file.


Converting a reference file from column-major to row-major


To convert reference files from column-major order (frequently found in reference files on the internet) to row-major (the order used by Imatest), the first step is to open the downloaded file download the file and open it in Excel. Reference files often include extra data. Here is an example from the Image Engineering TE262 Universal Test Target file, used for evaluating scanners. The color pattern in the large UTT chart is shown on the right. (There are two of these in some printed charts.)

Here is a portion of the reference file, opened in Excel. We want to extract cells B7 through D33 (27 m = 9 rows, n = 3 columns in column-major order). In this case, we are using the generic default (typical; not individually measured) data, shown with the blue background.


To obtain the data-only, without the extra annotation, select the required columns cells (B7:D33), and copy them to the clipboard. Then paste into a new blank worksheet. The first 10 lines (of 27) will look like


Now comes the tricky part. Add data numbers to the fourth column indicating how you’d like to sort the data to convert to column to row-major. Line 1 doesn’t change, so add 1. Line 2 will go into Row 2, Column 1, which is line 4 in row-major. Line 3 will go into Row 3, column 1, which is line 7 in row-major. Continue in increments of n = 3 for the 9 rows. Then line 10 will go into Row1, Column 2, etc. The first 14 rows (of 27) will be
